German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center
G-RISC in Brief: Video in Russian (mp4) Video in German (mp4)
G-RISC is the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center. It is a Center of Excellence, which is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
G-RISC is a multidisciplinary platform for modern research and education. It covers important areas of natural sciences with emphasis on fundamental and applied research, environmental sciences, life sciences, materials research, as well as the structure and dynamics of matter.
G-RISC brings together the key competences from leading universities and research laboratories from Russia and Germany. The breadth of the scope of G-RISC underlines a modern interdisciplinary concept of research and education.
Solving important scientific and interdisciplinary problems of science by experimental and theoretical approaches in close collaboration between scientists from Russia and Germany.
Education of students in an international and interdisciplinary environment and training of their mobility including the use of electronic media.
Gaining a new dimension of collaboration between Russian and German scientist, teachers, and students by overcoming disciplinary, cultural, and language barriers.
Creation of stable science platforms in interdisciplinary natural sciences with emphasis on fundamental and applied research, environmental sciences, life sciences, materials research, as well as the structure and dynamics of matter. This involves mostly interdiscplinary research in physics, geophysics, chemistry, and mathematics including interdisciplinary work for tackling important scientific problems.
- Creation of stimulating educational programs by exchanging professors and students.
- Exploring new avenues of teaching by using electronic media.
- Holding conferences and workshops in Russia and in Germany for enhancing interdisciplinary and international research environments.
- Establishing criteria of excellence for research and education in order to attract only the best researchers and students in the fields covered by G-RISC.